Fairy cat racr
Fairy cat racr

Shadar-Kai - Blessing of the Raven Queen can now be used a number of times equal to proficiency bonus per long rest.Sea Elf - They no longer have Sea Elf Training, but Child of the Sea now gives cold resistance.The Summer variation now deals damage equal to proficiency bonus and not the Charisma modifier.

fairy cat racr

Eladrin - The Fey Step race feature can be used a number of times equal to proficiency bonus, but no longer recharges on short rest.They have Psionic Fortitude, which gives advantage on saves against the charmed condition The Duergar Magic spells are no longer affected by sunlight, can be cast with relevant spell slots, and can use Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom as the modifier. Instead of Duergar Resilience, they have Dwarven Resilience, which gives resistance against poison damage and saves against the poison condition. Duergar - They no longer have Undercommon as a bonus language.Related: D&D Quest Prompt Leads To Hundreds Of Great DM Ideas These can be cast with spell slots, can be used once per long rest, and have Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom as the modifier.

fairy cat racr

Gift of the Svirfneblin lets them cast disguise self at third level and nondetection at fifth level. Gnomish Magic Resistance gives them advantage on any Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom saving throws for spells. This can be used a number of times equal to the character's proficiency bonus and recharges on long rest.

fairy cat racr

  • Deep Gnome - They have Svirfneblin Camouflage instead of Stone Camouflage, which lets them take advantage on any (Dexterity Stealth) check.
  • #Fairy cat racr full#

    These used to be subraces from existing base races in the Player's Handbook, which are now considered full races in Monsters of the Multiverse: Emissary of the Sea now works on any Beast/Elemental/Monstrosity with a swimming speed. The character may choose Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom for the modifier. The Control Air and Water spells can be cast using spell slots the character may have. Survival Instinct has been replaced with Nature’s Intuition, which lets them choose a skill proficiency in Animal Handling, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth, or Survival. Claws now deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4.

  • Tortle - They can now be Medium or Small.
  • Cat’s Claws now deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4.
  • Tabaxi - Tabaxi now have a climbing speed equal to their walking speed instead of 20ft.
  • It also lets them have advantage on skill checks a number of times equal to proficiency bonus, which recharges on long rest. Kenku Training has been replaced with Kenku Recall, which lets them pick any two skills to have proficiency in.
  • Kenku - Kenku can either be Medium or Small.
  • Stone’s Endurance can now be used a number of times equal to proficiency bonus, but it doesn’t recharge on a short rest. Mountain Born now gives Goliath’s resistance to cold damage.
  • Goliath - Natural Athletics and Powerful Build are now one ability, called Little Giant.
  • Speech of Beast and Land now works on vegetation. Hidden Step can now be done a number of times equal to proficiency bonus, but it no longer restores on a short rest.
  • Firbolg - Firbolg Magic can now use spell slots to cast detect magic and disguise self, and the character can select Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom for the modifier.
  • It can be used once per long rest and later by burning a second-level spell slot. Aarakockra have a new ability called Wind Caller, which lets them cast gust of wind using Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom as the spellcasting modifier.

    fairy cat racr

    The Talons feature now deals 1d6 damage instead of 1d4.

  • Aaracokra - Aarakockra's walking speed is now 30ft, but their flying speed has been dropped from 50ft to match it.
  • These are the races that are connected to one of the four D&D elements:

    Fairy cat racr